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Golden Partner Program

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Booking Manager Golden Partnership is an exclusive agreement for loyal Booking Manager clients that wish to benefit from closer relationship and reach full potential of the system by increasing profits and getting more security from the system.
Here is why you should become our Golden Partner!

Payment Security

Golden Partners are bookable exclusively in Booking Manager System and receive a unique Golden Partnership Badge. It approves safe bookings and declares that Booking Manager guarantees payment security to agencies. This guarantee, along with increased promotion and exclusivity of the Golden Partner agreement, ensures that agencies will be more trusting to book your fleet in the system.

Get more Bookings

Using various tools and systems to achieve more bookings and boost profit is complicated, and the amount of time and money from using them overcomes the benefits they provide. Booking Manager offers charter operators and agencies a single system with complete back-office tools and access to all the major charter agencies. Make sure that your fleet is visible on the largest market.

Reduce Costs

Golden Partner fleets also benefit from reduced fees on all Booking Manager services, including Maintenance and Transaction Fees, making Booking Manager more affordable. Additionally, using a single distribution channel ensures that end clients and agencies always have the correct and up-to-date information and eliminates information maintenance and data error costs.

Clients Speak For Themselves

We always dreamed that the client could be able to get all optional extras in a few clicks. That was not possible until MMK introduced the XML service, which enabled us to get all info about current discounts and availability.

Project Manager, YachtGuru/Velmundi 25 8 18 40
Zoran Pelikan

Clients Speak For Themselves

XML gave us the possibility to work faster and well organized as well as to search for the most specific needs of individual client's wishes and programs that we offer.

Zoran Pelikan,
CEO, Macrocruise 25 8 18 40
Maja Šironja

Clients Speak For Themselves

We couldn't imagine working without the System! Also MMK staff is the most friendly and helpful, this is what we find very important!

Maja Šironja,
Booking Manager, Under The Heavens Sailing 25 8 18 40