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Booking Sheet

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Booking Sheet is a powerful tool which helps you automate your booking process and work faster with your clients. This interactive feature allows you to effectively display and organise your fleet and to quickly check all the important details about any reservation.

Track Fleet Availability

Booking Sheet is flexible to visualise your fleet by day, week or hour. Additionally, you can filter by date, week or highlight any specific day of the week.

You can choose whether the display should be short or containing weekly prices.

Manage Options and Bookings

Simply placing the mouse pointer over the particular booking will show you a popup window with more reservation details such as check-in date, base, payment status and additional notes.

This way you are able to quickly check all the important details about any reservation.

Booking The Boat

You can quickly create an option, option on waiting, promote any existing option into reservation, or make boat and date changes via simple drag and drop.

Booking Manager then automatically applies this change to connected back office documents.

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Gorana Bardak

Clients Speak For Themselves

Booking Manager and LogIN are both specialists in charter business area creating herewith a valuable product for charter operators to speed up their work processes and enable them to make their business decisions on time.

Gorana Bardak,
Key Account Manager, LogIN 29 13 22 39
Bora Inceören

Clients Speak For Themselves

Booking Manager is one of our favorite partners, as the API data structure and performance is very good. We especially value the personal contact to the developers and their open-mindedness for constant improvement.

Bora Inceören,
CEO, Argos Yachtcharter & Touristik 29 13 22 39
Kirstie Palmer

Clients Speak For Themselves

"When I joined Waypoints, I decided that we switch to MMK booking system and it was possibly the best thing we decided to do. We have a great API which automatically talks to our booking system and goes to our website. So we update everything and it's always up to the minute updated on our website. We also have our owners that can go and see their calendars and we are bringing in much, much more with MMK. They've been a great help to Waypoints!"

Kirstie Palmer,
PRESIDENT at Waypoints 29 13 22 39