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Booking Manager Promo Codes

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Promo Codes are a uniquely effective way to distribute as well as a means of tracking the success of your discounted offers. Incentivise new partners to make a booking or use it to simply sell more charter weeks by leveraging the Booking Manager Promo Codes feature.

Create Promo Codes

Booking Manager allows you to create another type of discounts called Promo Codes. You can easily set up the discount percentages as well as duration and share it with a select group of clients.

Promo Codes on the Go

With Booking Manager Online, among many other functions, you can create unique Promo Codes from any device you have at hand by simply logging into booking-manager.com

Track Your Sales

The Promo Codes feature is particularly useful for Boat Shows allowing you to track the performance and success of your discount strategy. You can now quickly identify the specific sales that came through a particular Promo Code.
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Roman Schneider

Clients Speak For Themselves

We use Booking Manager every day. I like the possibility of having the access to the system from my mobile phone, so even in the evening when I am with my friends I can check the best offers and create direct options or bookings.

Roman Schneider,
Deputy Manager, Seawolf 2 6 31 40
Joachim Jensen Thorrud

Clients Speak For Themselves

Online booking feature makes everything so much easier for the customers, they can do everything themselves!

Joachim Jensen Thorrud,
Owner, Nautic Norway 2 6 31 40
Alain Augsburger

Clients Speak For Themselves

"Our intention was to launch our service fast, to be world class, flawless and user friendly. In all these aspects the MKK team delivered beyond our expectations. Easy to communicate with, responsive and with excellent understanding of the market and customer needs, the design, development and deployment went very smoothly. Very well done. Congratulations to the MMK team."

Alain Augsburger ,
CEO at SeekSail 2 6 31 40