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Booking Manager Promo Codes

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Promo Codes are a uniquely effective way to distribute as well as a means of tracking the success of your discounted offers. Incentivise new partners to make a booking or use it to simply sell more charter weeks by leveraging the Booking Manager Promo Codes feature.

Create Promo Codes

Booking Manager allows you to create another type of discounts called Promo Codes. You can easily set up the discount percentages as well as duration and share it with a select group of clients.

Promo Codes on the Go

With Booking Manager Online, among many other functions, you can create unique Promo Codes from any device you have at hand by simply logging into booking-manager.com

Track Your Sales

The Promo Codes feature is particularly useful for Boat Shows allowing you to track the performance and success of your discount strategy. You can now quickly identify the specific sales that came through a particular Promo Code.
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dr. Simone Morelli

Clients Speak For Themselves

With Booking Manager System, I can automatically send booking confirmations, display financial statistics and track overdue payments. It’s all there.

dr. Simone Morelli,
CEO, North Sardinia Sail 40 9 35 40
Sergej Semjonovs

Clients Speak For Themselves

“Sailing DNA website is our online answer to the question of how to empower individuals to explore the world's oceans and embrace the thrill of sailing. Thanks to the MMK team we can now share our passion and years of experience with our clients on our website where we can clearly show that our charters are designed to create lasting bonds between sailors, the sea, and the environment.”

Sergej Semjonovs,
Director at Sailing DNA 40 9 35 40
Toni Brkić

Clients Speak For Themselves

Collaboration with Booking Manager is crucial for us as it supports our strategic goal of expanding operations and enhancing efficiency. This partnership is not just about growth—it’s about transforming the entire market by redefining how skippers are booked, making the process more streamlined and accessible for everyone.

Toni Brkić,
CEO & Founder of Croatia Sailing Academy 40 9 35 40